This is a group of Unimog owners in Germany, near Munich, in the state of Bavaria.
Last weekend we had a wonderful Unimog-Outing. It was a 200km-trip from south of Munich via Bad Toelz, Miesbach, Bad Feilnbach to Brannenburg. There we had a meeting with about 25 Unimog-freaks on the "Kogler Alm" (...a kind of small restaurant in the "Alpen") about 30-40 km east of Tegernsee. We decided that the direct way home would probably be boring, so we took our way home via the "Sudelfeld"-pass. We started at an altitude of about 450 metres and reached the top of the pass at about 1200 metres. 30 hp and 2.2 tons weight! Ups.
At the top of the Sudelfeld pass, with the Wilder Kaiser mountain at the right side of the background.
Here is Jörg with his U411, Christian with his 421, and Stefan with his U411.
Some of the Unimogs in front of the Wendelstein.
Here are Jörg and Stefan with their 411 Unimogs.
Jörg says that since U411 parts have become so hard to find,
a man in Germany has started to build new parts for the 411. These parts may be found at: